
TUDesc Licenses


TUDesc Licenses of Use are available for a number of stored spaces up to 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and an unlimited number. All employees of your institute are allowed to make use of the license. All institute’s employees may act as TUDesc Manager, however, we advise to appoint only one or two directly related staff as Manager.

The TUDesc license is valid for a period of one year and has to be renewed annually. You will receive an email for extending the license two months before the license ends and an extra reminder one month before the license period ends.

Due to many requests an "ESViewerOnly" module became available in 2023 for only one-third of the license price, it acts as stepping stone, while the "ESViewerPlus" module is introduced to support Green AV since Release 2024-7.8.

License costs excluding VAT for educational institutes are:

  TUDesc Annual License Fee for Education    Costs without VAT    Costs for ESViewerPlus    Costs for ESViewerOnly  
  20  € 3000  € 2000  € 1000
  50  € 5000  € 3333  € 1667
  100  € 7000  € 4667  € 2333
  200  € 12000  € 8000  € 4000
  300  € 16500  € 11000  € 5500
  400  € 20000  € 13333  € 6667
  500  € 22500  € 15000  € 7500
  Unlimited  € 25000  € 16667  € 8333

The license costs excluding VAT for organizations are:

  Annual License Fee for Organizations            Costs without VAT   
  20  € 4360
  50  € 6500
  100  € 10000
  200  € 14000
  300  € 19500
  400  € 24000
  500  € 27500
  Unlimited  € 30000

The TUDesc team